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Replacement of Motor and Pedestrian Bridges EA

The National Park Service (NPS) is making available for public review an Environmental Assessment (EA) for replacement of a motor vehicle bridge and two pedestrian bridges that were removed as a result of flooding. The proposed project would reestablish safe pedestrian and motor vehicle access to the picnic area, parking, and trailheads on the west side of the Rito de los Frijoles (Frijoles Creek).

The proposed project includes replacement of the vehicular bridge at a new location about 700 feet downstream from the previous bridge near the visitor center. The proposed new vehicle crossing structure would be designed to pass flood flows and reduce the potential for flood flows to backup and damage the visitor center and other facilities in the Historic District. A new 200-foot spur road off of the Entrance Road would need to be constructed to access the new crossing structure. The new crossing would connect with the existing road on the west side of Frijoles Creek. Damaged road and parking in the picnic area west of Frijoles Creek would be repaired with minor road widening to accommodate two-way traffic and installation of a new water line to service drinking fountains and an existing comfort station.

The washed out pedestrian bridges would be replaced at the same location as the previous bridges. The new wood bridges would be designed to break-away under high flood flows to prevent debris buildup and flood damage. In addition, the project includes repair of flood damage to a short section of road shoulder along the Entrance Road.

The EA also evaluated a no action alternative, in which the vehicular bridge and two pedestrian bridges lost during flooding would not be replaced with new structures. The existing temporary pedestrian bridge installed near the parking lot would remain. This bridge would allow visitors and Monument staff to cross Frijoles Creek by foot to access trails and facilities on the west side of the creek. Vehicle access to the west side of Frijoles Creek for parking, maintenance, emergency services, and other park operations would no longer be available. The picnic area would not be restored because of the limited access for maintaining facilities.

Because public participation is very important to the success of the project, the NPS encourage your review and comment on the EA. The EA will be on public review with comments accepted through February 15, 2015. The document is available electronically for review and comment online by visiting, the website for the NPS's Planning Environment and Public Comment (PEPC) system.

Commenters should be aware that their entire comment - including personal identifying information - may be made publicly available at any time. While commenters can ask that their personal identifying information be withheld from public review, the National Park Service cannot guarantee that this will be possible.
Comment Period: Closed        Jan 28, 2015 - Feb 15, 2015
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