Ansel Adams Gallery Complex Rehabilitation Finding of No Significant Impact and Determination of No Impairment

Implementation of the Selected Action entails rehabilitation of the structures in the Gallery complex including:
• balancing conservation of historic fabric and optimization of building performance,
• rehabilitating the Gallery Complex structures using architectural and structural design tailored to improve building performance and retain historic integrity,
• implementing comprehensive seismic and structural strengthening and energy efficiencies,
• preserving and repairing certain historic materials and elements where feasible, and replacing others in-kind, and
• providing reasonable accessibility, safety, site circulation, and drainage improvements while retaining the historic materials and features that characterize the property.

Public scoping occurred from July 20, 2011 to September 2, 2011, during which nine comment letters were received. The majority of the letters supported the project and several made recommendations to improve the structures. The EA was available for comment from April 16, 2014 to May 16, 2014; three comments were received. All three comment letters supported the project. All comments were reviewed by park staff and were considered in the development of the FONSI.
Requests for hardcopies or CD-ROMs of the FONSI, available on a limited basis, can be submitted to: Superintendent, Yosemite National Park, Attn: Ansel Adams Gallery Complex Rehabilitation Project, P.O. Box 577, Yosemite, CA 95389; or fax (209) 379-1294; or email:

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