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Finding of No Significant Impact for Princess Ditch Trail Construction
Whiskeytown National Recreation Area has announced the approval of the Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Princess Ditch Trail Construction project. The Regional Director of the Pacific West Region signed the FONSI on May 12, 2014. This document details why this project will not have a significant impact on the environment and allows the park to move forward with implementing the selected alternative.
The environmental assessment (EA) analyzed the proposed action and no-action alternative and their potential impacts on the environment. The Selected Action Alternative is to construct the Princess Ditch Trail. The NPS and BLM have been expanding the trail system that connects Whiskeytown with the BLM administered Swasey Recreation Area. The BLM has completed sections of trail that lead to the boundary of Whiskeytown National Recreation Area (NRA), and a short (1.9 miles) connecting trail is needed through the park to join these new trail segments. This proposed trail is along an existing historic water ditch, the Princess Ditch, for approximately 1.4 miles and will require about 0.5 miles of newly constructed trail to connect the historic ditch to the existing park trail system.
Construction is anticipated to begin this June and should be completed by fall.
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