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FONSI - Subsistence Collections & Uses of Shed or Discarded Animal Parts and Plants from NPS Areas in Alaska
This decision authorizes the NPS to proceed to rule-making to authorize the collections of wild, renewable resources by NPS-qualified subsistence users to make and use handicrafts for personal or family uses or to sell them as customary trade. NPS-qualified subsistence users are residents of communities and areas with federally-recognized customary and traditional (C&T) use determinations for each species in each game management unit within the affected park areas. Those with C&T for wildlife species in areas would also be authorized to collect plants in those areas. NPS-qualified subsistence users must have written authorization from the area Superintendent before making collections. Such authorization can take many forms, such as: permits issued to qualified individuals, written authorization issued to resident zone communities, or written authorization issued to entire resident zones. Annual authroizations may be issued and documented in park compendia where specific resource conditions and availability require periodic adjustments to collection activities. The selected action includes mitigating measures to minimize potential adverse effects on resources and values of affected park areas.
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