Director's Order #77-10: NPS Benefits Sharing and NPS Benefits-Sharing Handbook

The NPS Director's Order #77-10: NPS Benefits Sharing was approved by the Director on December 19, 2013. The NPS Benefits-Sharing Handbook, providing guidance on implementing the Director's Order, was approved by the Acting Associate Director, Natural Resource Stewardship and Science on September 29, 2014.

Benefits sharing occurs when NPS receives monetary or non-monetary benefits from the commercial use of a discovery or invention resulting from research originating under an NPS Scientific Research and Collecting Permit, or other NPS permit or authorization. The National Parks Omnibus Management Act of 1998 authorizes NPS benefits sharing. Additional authorities, including authorities on technology transfer and innovation, enable implementation. Yellowstone National Park took the lead in preparing a Final Environmental Impact Statement and, in March 2010, NPS issued a Record of Decision to implement benefits sharing Servicewide. Benefits sharing is a new activity for parks. NPS has not previously issued policy and procedures for benefits sharing or the related topic of technology transfer and innovation.

Director's Order #77-10 defines NPS benefits sharing, lists fundamental benefits-sharing principles, describes basic benefits-sharing procedures, addresses related ethics and confidentiality, assigns responsibilities for administering benefits sharing, and outlines reporting requirements. The NPS Benefits-Sharing Handbook provides detailed guidance on implementing the policy, step-by-step procedures, templates and example formats for agreements and other implementing documents, and links to further information and training resources.

Contact Information:
Ann Hitchcock - 202-354-2271
Alternate: John Dennis - 202-513-7174
Document Content:
Director's Order 77-10   (958.6 KB, PDF file)
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