Lower Farmington River and Salmon Brook Wild and Scenic River Study Report and Environmental Assessment, November 2011

The National Park Service (NPS) has released for public review a Study Report and Environmental Assessment for a Wild and Scenic River Study of the lower Farmington River and Salmon Brook. The Environmental Assessment is required for compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

Alternative B is the NPS and environmentally preferable alternative. This alternative is based on designation of all eligible and suitable river segments and provides maximum protection to free-flowing river values consistent with the purposes of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act.

The Partnership Wild and Scenic River Study is the result of a collaborative effort by local citizens and stakeholders, town leaders, the state and federal government that resulted in widespread support of designation.

Printed copies of the Lower Farmington River and Salmon Brook Wild and Scenic Study Report and EA will be available in August. Please contact the project manager if you would like to receive a copy.

Joyce Kennedy Raymes
Project Manager
749 Hopmeadow Street
Simsbury, CT 06026
860 658 4442 x.203

Jamie Fosburgh
New England Team Leader
15 State Street
Boston, MA 02109
617 223 5191

Comment Period: Closed        Jul 20, 2012 - Oct 21, 2012
Document Content:
Chapter 5 - Environmental Assessment   (1.3 MB, PDF file)
Appendices - 1 of 2   (4.7 MB, PDF file)
Summary - Principal Findings   (571.5 KB, PDF file)
Chapter 1 - Background   (780.9 KB, PDF file)
Appendices - 2 of 2   (5.2 MB, PDF file)
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