Gulf Coast Site Redevelopment - Questions for the Public (from Newsletter)

Please provide your comments and suggestions regarding the 3 questions below. We welcome your thoughts and input that will help the planning team further develop the potential options and alternatives to be considered for the long-term use and enjoyment of the Gulf Coast Site in Everglades City.
Comment Period: Closed        Dec 27, 2011 - Feb 3, 2012
Topic Questions Instructions:
When providing your comments please make sure to number your responses (#1 through 3) to match the questions. This will greatly assist in incorporating your ideas into the work of the planning team.
Topic Questions:
1. Do you have any comments or suggestions about the information presented in the Background, Opportunities and Challenges, and Goals sections?
2. Do you have any comments or suggestions about the information presented in the Potential Locations to Meet Future Needs table?
3. Do you have any other recommendations or suggestions that should be considered for this project?
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