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Kalaupapa National Historical Park Fire Management Plan Environmental Assessment

All Parks of the National Park Service (NPS) with burnable vegetation are required to have a FMP that is consistent with federal law and the NPS 2006 Management Policies. The FMP for Kalaupapa National Historical Park will direct a fire management program that responds to the Park's natural and cultural resource objectives and addresses the health and safety of Park residents, staff and visitors. Two alternative fire management strategies are examined in this FMP EA: Alternative A – Current Fire Management Strategy, and Alternative B – Increased Protection Strategy. Alternative A is the No Action alternative required in all National Environmental Policy Act assessments. Alternative B of the FMP assesses the effect of enhancing the fire-break around the settlement of Kalaupapa and utilizing strategically arranged areas of fuel-reduction to reduce fire-hazard across the Peninsula and within the settlement.
Comment Period: Closed        Dec 1, 2011 - Dec 31, 2011
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