Proposed Permit for a New Commercial Fishing Cabin

The National Park Service is considering a permit application for the construction of a new cabin to support commercial fishing activities within Glacier Bay National Preserve. The applicant possesses a valid commercial set gillnet fishing permit for the Preserve. The requested cabin would be located above the mean high water mark adjacent to Dog Salmon Creek in the Dry Bay area of the Preserve. The sole purpose for this cabin will be support for operation of his commercial set gill net salmon fishing activities during the fishing season.

This EA analyzes the potential environmental impacts which could result from the proposed action and No Action Alternatives. This EA has been prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 and regulations promulgated by the Council of Environmental Quality in Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations.
Comment Period: Closed        Jan 26, 2011 - Feb 26, 2011
Document Content:
Dry Bay Cabin EA App. B   (8.2 KB, PDF file)
Dry Bay Cabin EA App. A   (20.1 KB, PDF file)
Dry Bay Cabin EA full text   (1.3 MB, PDF file)
Dry Bay Cabin EA App. C   (24.2 KB, PDF file)
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