07. Motorized Vehicle Access Plan / Environmental Assessment

The Motorized Vehicle Access Plan/Environmental Assessment (Plan/EA) analyzes the impacts of managing motorized vehicle access at Curecanti National Recreation Area. The Plan/EA addresses the use of motorized vehicles to access appropriate recreational opportunities throughout Curecanti NRA.

Three alternatives are analyzed in this EA. Alternative A is the "no-action" alternative, which represents the continuation of current motorized vehicle access management. Alternative B designates routes and areas consistent with the management prescriptions in the park unit's 1997 general management plan, which would limit some traditional access. Alternative C, the NPS preferred alternative, would provide for the greatest amount of traditional motorized vehicle access by making a minor amendment to the 1997 general management plan.

A link to the 1997 general management plan is provided in the "Links" section in the left column.

We encourage you to comment on the Plan/EA. All comments must be received or postmarked no later than January 15, 2011.
Comment Period: Closed        Nov 17, 2010 - Jan 15, 2011
Document Content:
Chapter 5 and Appendicies   (4.1 MB, PDF file)
Chapter 2 part 3   (4.0 MB, PDF file)
Chapter 3   (4.5 MB, PDF file)
Chapter 2 part 2   (3.7 MB, PDF file)
Chapter 1   (5.3 MB, PDF file)
Chapter 2 part 1   (4.9 MB, PDF file)
Chapter 4   (2.2 MB, PDF file)
Disclaimer: Links within the above document(s) were valid as of the date published.
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