Scoping Documents

The National Park Service (NPS) is seeking public comments about potential issues related to the proposed rehabilitation of a deteriorated water distribution system within Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks. This water distribution system serves approximately 2,900 visitors and staff daily in the developed areas of Giant Forest, Lodgepole, Wolverton, and Wuksachi in Sequoia National Park.

The system is over 60 years old, is in poor condition, fails regularly, and does not provide reliable structural fire suppression capabilities or comply with current fire and plumbing codes. This project is needed to provide a viable water source that meets/exceeds state and federal water quality requirements and meets potable water demands in developed areas. Project activities being considered include the replacement and rehabilitation of approximately 23,000 linear feet of water line, valves, and associated equipment.

The NPS is interested in any public concerns and potential issues related to the proposed project and encourages public comment. After analyzing comments received during scoping, the NPS will determine the level of analysis needed for this project.

Comments must be received in writing by October 2, 2010.
Comment Period: Closed        Sep 2, 2010 - Oct 2, 2010
Document Content:
Scoping Press Release   (56.6 KB, PDF file)
Map of Project Area   (521.8 KB, PDF file)
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