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Finding of No Significant Impact
The National Park Service, Natchez Trace Parkway, would like to announce a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) with regard to the crossing of a five-lane major thoroughfare arterial extending and connecting Coley Road from McCullough Boulevard to Highway 78 and Barnes Crossing Road from North Gloster Street to the same location on Highway 78. The project will include a grade-separated crossing near milepost 265, just south of the Natchez Trace Parkway Visitor Center.
The FONSI is a result of an Environmental Assessment, which was performed to analyze potential impacts to the human environment. The analysis resulted in selection of the environmentally-preferred alternative, consisting of construction of a bridge over National Park Service (NPS) lands. The NPS concluded that this alternative best balances the needs of the travelling public and the resources of the Natchez Trace.
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NATR - Coley Road - Barnes Crossing Extended Roadway Project - FONSI
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