Revised Alaska Region Invasive Plant Management Plan

Based on public comments and internal reviews of the original Alaska Region Invasive Plant Management Plan EA, which was released in September and October 2008, the NPS revised the EA to address substantive comments and changes in the alternatives and analyses. In summary the decision tree for action was revised and simplified and the proposed limits of treatment areas were increased to address a more realistic projection of potential treatment needs. For these reasons the NPS has decided to reissue the EA for an additional 30-day public review. Comments should focus on those parts of the EA that have been revised. A summary of changes is provided.
Comment Period: Closed        Sep 30, 2009 - Nov 20, 2009
Document Content:
Alaska Region IPMP Chapter 3   (1.6 MB, PDF file)
IPMP EA Appendices   (840.5 KB, PDF file)
Alaska Region IPMP Chapters 4-6   (342.8 KB, PDF file)
Cover Letter from Regional Director   (1.0 MB, PDF file)
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