Statement of Findings for Executive Order 11988 Floodplain Management

This Statement of Findings (SOF) has been prepared in accordance with Executive Order 11988 (Floodplain Management), Director's Order #77-2, and the National Park Service (NPS) guideline for implementing these orders, including Procedural Manual #77-2. The SOF summarizes the floodplain development associated with actions to replace the ferry terminal and associated bulkheading along the Patchogue River that were included in the NPS Preferred Alternative as described and evaluated in the 2002 Environmental Assessment for Proposed Passenger Center, Ferry Terminal, and Park Headquarters Building, Renovation of the PMF Maintenance Building and Replacement of NPS Patchogue River Bulkheading. The SOF also describes the reasons why encroachment into the floodplain is required to implement the project, the site-specific flood risks involved, and the measures that will be taken to mitigate floodplain impacts.
Comment Period: Closed        May 8, 2008 - Jun 13, 2008
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