San Juan Island National Historical Park Draft GMP/EIS

The National Park Service releases for public comment the draft GMP/EIS for San Juan Island National Historical Park. The draft GMP/EIS discusses three alternatives for protecting and managing resources and providing for public use and enjoyment of the park. Alternative C has been proposed as the NPS's preferred alternative and is intended to become the park's general management plan. The detailed description of the alternatives is followed by a description of park resources and the likely environmental consequences of the alternatives. Also included are the results of initial public involvement, as well as consultation with other agencies, organizations and individuals associated with planning for the park's future.
Comment Period: Closed        Jan 18, 2008 - Mar 18, 2008
Document Content:
Title Page, How to Use This Document   (831.2 KB, PDF file)
Chapter 3 - Scope of the GMP/EIS   (1.1 MB, PDF file)
Chapter 7 - Public Involvement   (560.0 KB, PDF file)
Bibliography   (66.8 KB, PDF file)
Chapter 4 - Alternative B   (1.3 MB, PDF file)
List of Preparers, Index   (2.4 MB, PDF file)
Chapter 2 - Foundation for Planning   (1.2 MB, PDF file)
Chapter 6 - Environmental Consequences   (529.9 KB, PDF file)
Glossary, Abbreviations and Acronyms   (311.8 KB, PDF file)
Chapter 4 - Alternative A   (4.1 MB, PDF file)
Table of Contents, List of Figures   (422.0 KB, PDF file)
Summary   (3.4 MB, PDF file)
Appendices   (615.3 KB, PDF file)
Superintendent's Letter   (1.5 MB, PDF file)
Chapter 1 - Introduction   (2.8 MB, PDF file)
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