Mori Point Restoration and Trail Plan EA

The National Park Service (NPS) has prepared an Environmental Assessment (EA) that describes and analyzes alternatives for habitat restoration and development of a safe and sustainable trail system at Mori Point, a unit of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GGNRA) in Pacifica, CA. The EA presents and analyzes one No Action and three Action Alternatives. The Action Alternatives each contain a restoration, trail alignment, and trail use designation component.

Comments on the EA are due on March 31, 2006.
Comment Period: Closed        Feb 23, 2006 - Mar 31, 2006
Document Content:
Chapter 1: Purpose and Need   (118.9 KB, PDF file)
Appendix D: Proposed Pond Locations   (1.8 MB, PDF file)
Table of Contents   (97.9 KB, PDF file)
Summary   (22.4 KB, PDF file)
Chapter 2: Description of Alternatives   (992.0 KB, PDF file)
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