Shiloh NMP - Preliminary Concepts, New Lands Development Concept Plan

The National Park Service is requesting public input on preliminary ideas for the development and management of new lands incorporated into Shiloh National Military Park over the last few years. The park needs long-term guidance for public access and resource preservation at recently added siege and battle sites in and around Corinth, Mississippi, and intends to develop a "New Lands Development Concept Plan" to provide that guidance. Please help inform the management of the park's outstanding resources by participating in the planning process and providing your thoughts on the ideas presented in this newsletter and the questions posed below. Thank you for being involved in this process!
Comment Period: Closed        May 20, 2024 - Jul 4, 2024
Topic Questions:
1. What kinds of activities do you currently enjoy at the park? What types of activities and experiences do you want to see in the future?
2. What is your vision for future management of the park's new lands? How should the NPS preserve important resources?
3. What local community organizations or initiatives are you aware of that the NPS could partner with to advance stewardship and preserve resources in the park's new lands?
4. Which park areas are most important to you and why?
5. What do you like or dislike about the preliminary management options described in this newsletter and why?
Document Content:
SHIL_DCP Newsletter_2024_508.pdf   (19.7 MB, PDF file)
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