Comment Summary Round One Consultation

The NPS CRPS Directorate is developing an agency request for the subject Program Comment for certain undertakings focused on NPS facilities built between 1945 and 1972 (Mission 66-era). The purpose of the Program Comment is to facilitate the reuse and preservation of historic facilities from this era by expediting undertaking reviews.

On October 27, 2023, via e-mails and hard copy letters, NPS initiated consultation on a conceptual overview of the Agency Request for a Program Comment for Regular Maintenance, Capital Projects, and Leasing at NPS Mission 66-Era Facilities. NPS provided the conceptual overview and background information on a dedicated Planning, Environment, and Public Comment (PEPC) site (, along with an e-mail address for written comments (

In early December, NPS held a virtual public meeting via Microsoft Teams, which was attended by four (4) external parties online. NPS also hosted two (2) virtual consultation meetings via Microsoft Teams with Indian or Alaska Native Tribes, the Native Hawaiian Community, and State Historic Preservation Officers and other consulting parties. These meetings were attended by one (1) external party online and eighteen (18) external parties online, respectively, with an additional eight (8) parties participating by phone in the latter meeting. Verbal and "chat box" comments from the Microsoft Teams meetings were transcribed contemporaneously and are integrated into this summary, and are referred to as meeting correspondence. A total of thirty-one (31) external participants attended the Microsoft Teams meetings.

In addition, during the comment period, which closed on January 8, 2024, one (1) written correspondence was sent by a member of the public via PEPC, and another (1) was sent by a member of the public via the dedicated e-mail address. Three (3) written correspondences were received from State Historic Preservation Officers, two (2) were received from Tribes, and one (1) was received from the National Trust for Historic Preservation via the e-mail address. One (1) additional correspondence was received directly from a Tribe to NPS staff via e-mail, and a final (1) was received from a Tribe via USPS. A total of ten (10) written correspondences were received during the comment period.

This document summarizes the concerns, issues, and opinions expressed in both the Microsoft Teams meetings and the correspondences. Many of the verbal, "chat box," and written correspondences addressed multiple topics. NPS will consider these comments in the development of an outline/plan, which will be made available on PEPC, and continue to consult with Indian or Alaska Native Tribes, Native Hawaiians, and consulting parties. Information about consultation meetings, as well as the outline/plan, will be posted on the PEPC site. All comments received during consultation will inform the nature and scope of the NPS agency request to the ACHP, which the NPS plans to submit to the ACHP in 2024.
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