Implementation: New Oriole Lake Grove

Field surveys were completed in 2022 and 2023 found an 88.2% mortality of large sequoias within the area of New Oriole Lake Grove that burned at high-severity in the 2021 KNP Complex Fire, with a 2.6 acre patch experiencing 93.3% mortality. The 2022 survey data from New Oriole Lake Grove also found an estimated mean of 6,875 sequoia seedlings/acre in this patch, equating to a 27.2% probability of being equivalent to the second-year seedling densities measured by Stephenson et al. 2024.

Field data from 2022 and 2023 are available at: Soderberg, D.N., and Das, A.J., 2023, Assessment of giant sequoia mortality and regeneration within burned groves in Sequoia and Kings Canyon national parks (ver. 2.0, January 2024): U.S. Geological Survey data release, This data was collected under a field study that was designed and implemented by the National Park Service (NPS), the United States Geological Survey (USGS), United States Forest Service (USFS), and the University of California, Davis. The NPS therefore requests that any use of this data for publication rely on the full data set (i.e., use of a subset of this data is not seen to be appropriate or in keeping with the methods of data collection) and that any user of this data for publication communicate in advance with the scientists who collected the data. The contact information for these scientists can be obtained by emailing

Stephenson et al. 2024 is also available for download below.

Given the above, the NPS developed and approved a planting plan for New Oriole Lake Grove in late summer 2024 and plans to initiate a planting effort in mid to late October 2024. The planting plan and approval documents are available below.
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Stephenson et al 2024.pdf   (5.7 MB, PDF file)
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