Upcoming Outage: PEPC and Parkplanning will be offline on Weds., Sept. 11th, starting at 7 AM MT for routine maintenance. The expected downtime for Parkplanning is fifteen minutes, while PEPC will remain offline for up to two hours. Please plan and save your work accordingly.
Virtual Public Meeting on Castle Fire Sequoia Restoration Project at Sequoia National Park
Date Start Time End Time Time Zone Location
Mar 1, 2022 4:00 PM 5:00 PM Pacific Standard Time (PST) Via Microsoft Teams Live
Three Rivers, California

Please join us for a presentation and Q&A session about the National Park Service's proposal to reforest 40 acres of sequoia groves which burned in the 2020 Castle fire in Sequoia National Park.

The National Park Service will provide a brief presentation on the proposed action and resources of concern and will then open up the meeting for questions from the public.

Meeting Directions/Instructions:

URL/Webinar link:

Proposal to Re-Establish Tree Seedlings in Giant Sequoia Groves and Fisher Habitat
Date Start Time End Time Time Zone Location
Mar 7, 2023 5:00 PM 6:30 PM Online

Online, California
UPDATE: The NPS hosted a virtual public meeting on the proposed action on Tuesday, March 7, 2023, from 5:00 to 6:30 pm. A recording of the meeting is available for viewing on the Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks website: https://www.nps.gov/media/video/view.htm?id=34DA99B1-8901-4866-9A13-17BC1D7C66E3. Please copy and paste the above URL into your browser for the correct link location (for some reason, just clicking the link sends you to the wrong location). The presentation begins at 2 minutes and 9 seconds.

Please join NPS for a re-scheduled virtual presentation on a proposal to re-establish tree seedlings in severely burned sequoia groves and an endangered fisher habitat corridor.

The NPS experienced technical difficulties during the meeting held on February 27, 2023 which ended prematurely at 5:29 pm. As we were not able to complete the presentation or take questions from the public, we have rescheduled the meeting. Our apologies for any confusion this has caused.

Virtual Presentation

Meeting Directions/Instructions:
Online. If you would like closed captioning during the presentation, please click on the "cc" next to the "gear" in the bottom right corner of your screen. You may also find the "cc" under "settings" (the "gear").

URL/Webinar link:

June 21 Site Visit to Redwood Mountain Grove
Date Start Time End Time Time Zone Location
Jul 21, 2023 7:30 AM 5:30 PM Redwood Mountain Grove
NA, California
Join the National Park Service for a site visit to portions of Redwood Mountain Grove that were severely impacted by high severity fire in the 2021 KNP Wildfire and where action is being considered through this environmental assessment. Dr. Christy Brigham and Restoration Ecologist Andrew Bishop will provide a tour of portions of the proposed planting area.
Space is limited and available only on a first come, first served basis through the RSVP instructions outlined below.

Attendees must be able to hike 8-9 miles through varied terrain and uneven trail surfaces and carry their own food, water, and other supplies for this day trip. The road to Redwood Mountain Grove and trail are currently closed to the general public due to post 2021 fire and post 2023 atmospheric river conditions. See https://www.nps.gov/seki/planyourvisit/ggdayhikesum.htm for more information about road and trail conditions.

Meeting Directions/Instructions:
SPACE IS LIMITED AND AVAILABLE ONLY ON A FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED BASIS! If you are interested and able to join us on this site visit, please email seki_public_affairs@nps.gov with the subject line "RSVP". Please include the names of the attendees (no more than 2 people per RSVP please) and the date of the site visit you would like to attend. A staff member from the parks will respond only to confirm that space is available and will provide more information about logistics of the site visit at that time.

Please RSVP by 4:00 PM on July 19th.

Virtual Public Meeting During Public Review of EA
Date Start Time End Time Time Zone Location
Jul 25, 2023 5:00 PM 6:00 PM Microsoft Teams
NA, California
Join the National Park Service for a public meeting on a proposal to Re-Establish Sequoia Seedlings in Sequoia Groves and Endangered Fisher Habitat Devastated by Fire in Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks.
Park staff will provide an update on the proposed project including the findings in an environmental assessment that is currently open for public review and comment through August 5, 2023. The NPS will also take questions from the public following the presentation.

Please note this meeting follows an initial public meeting that was held on this topic in March 2023. This initial meeting provided quite a bit of background information regarding the purpose and need for action; this meeting will build on that foundation. The initial presentation is available at https://www.nps.gov/media/video/view.htm?id=34DA99B1-8901-4866-9A13-17BC1D7C66E3.

Meeting Directions/Instructions:
This virtual meeting will be held on Microsoft Teams at the link shared below.

URL/Webinar link:

June 28 Site Visit to Redwood Mountain Grove
Date Start Time End Time Time Zone Location
Jul 28, 2023 7:30 AM 5:30 PM Redwood Mountain Grove
NA, California
Join the National Park Service for a site visit to portions of Redwood Mountain Grove that were severely impacted by high severity fire in the 2021 KNP Wildfire and where action is being considered through this environmental assessment. Dr. Christy Brigham and Restoration Ecologist Andrew Bishop will provide a tour of portions of the proposed planting area.
Space is limited and available only on a first come, first served basis through the RSVP instructions outlined below.

Attendees must be able to hike 8-9 miles through varied terrain and uneven trail surfaces and carry their own food, water, and other supplies for this day trip. The road to Redwood Mountain Grove and trail are currently closed to the general public due to post 2021 fire and post 2023 atmospheric river conditions. See https://www.nps.gov/seki/planyourvisit/ggdayhikesum.htm for more information about road and trail conditions.

Meeting Directions/Instructions:
SPACE IS LIMITED AND AVAILABLE ONLY ON A FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED BASIS! If you are interested and able to join us on this site visit, please email seki_public_affairs@nps.gov with the subject line "RSVP". Please include the names of the attendees (no more than 2 people per RSVP please) and the date of the site visit you would like to attend. A staff member from the parks will respond only to confirm that space is available and will provide more information about logistics of the site visit at that time.

Please RSVP by 4:00 PM on July 26th.