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Badlands National Park » GMP » Document List » Document Contents

Draft General Management Plan/Environmental Impact Statement

This General Management Plan/Environmental Impact Statement (GMP/EIS) presents and analyzes four alternatives for managing the North Unit of Badlands National Park. The National Park Service NPS) developed this plan to guide the management of the North Unit of Badlands National Park over the next 20 years. Alternative A, the no-action alternative, would involve continuing the current management of the North Unit. Alternatives B, C, and D would entail different ways of managing the park’s natural and cultural resources, including the long-range preservation of such resources. Different approaches also are presented in the alternatives for the types and quality of visitor experiences that should be achieved and maintained in the park. The plan will establish a framework for monitoring resource conditions and visitor experiences relative to defined, long-term goals.
Comment Period: Closed        Oct 21, 2005 - Jan 10, 2006
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