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Fire Management Plan for Lewis and Clark NHP and Fort Clatsop Unit Forest Restoration Plan

The public is invited to review and comment on two Environmental Assessments (EA):

Fire Plan for Lewis and Clark National Historical Park
Fort Clatsop Unit Forest Restoration Plan

These documents have been prepared in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) to provide the decision framework for the following:
• Analysis of a reasonable range of alternatives to meet management objectives;
• Evaluation of potential issues and impacts to natural and cultural resources and values and the human environment; and,
• Identification of mitigation measures to lessen the degree of those impacts.

The Lewis and Clark NHP Fire Plan is a five-year plan required by NPS policy for all NPS lands with burnable vegetation. At Lewis and Clark NHP, these lands include the Yeon Unit, the Fort Clatsop Unit, Dismal Nitch, Cape Disappointment and Station Camp & Middle Village. Under this plan, fuels treatments would be used to restore the natural landscape to approximate conditions in the Chinook and Clatsop homelands during the late 18th and early 19th century, reduce hazardous fuels and control invasive plants.

The Fort Clatsop Unit Forest Restoration Plan proposes to restore approximately 1,000 acres of former forest plantation within the Fort Clatsop Unit to forests representative of those that occupied the Clatsop homeland during the visit of the Lewis and Clark Expedition.

These plans are being released together because they both address management of the park's forests.
Document Content:
LEWI_FMP_EA.pdf   (4.0 MB, PDF file)
LEWI_FOREST_EA.pdf   (3.2 MB, PDF file)
signed forest fonsi.pdf   (6.0 MB, PDF file)
Signed LEWI Fire Plan FONSI.pdf   (570.3 KB, PDF file)
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