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National Historic Preservation Action Section 106 Consultation for Repair Chimneys on Buildings P12 and P13 (Employee Residences) in the Headquarters Historic District
Denali National Park and Preserve (DENA) is considering an undertaking to repair the chimneys on Buildings P12 and P13. The buildings are contributing resources of the Mt McKinley Headquarters Historic District, and the chimneys are character defining features of the buildings. The undertaking would consist of replacing in kind the existing concrete and one clay liner in the chimneys, installing vent pipes for boilers and radon mitigation through the interior of the chimneys, and install a cap over the top of the chimney. The chimneys are experiencing extensive spalling, deteriorating parge coats, and have fractures throughout the concrete and clay liners. The caps are not compatible with the Mt. McKinley Headquarters Historic District.
As designed the proposed caps will adversely affect P12 and P13 and the Headquarters Historic District. It is recommended that Denali National Park and Preserve approach National Historic Preservation Act, Section 106, consultation under 36 CFR Part 800.5(1)(a) as "Adverse Effect".
The park is proposing to mitigate this adverse effect through a programmatic agreement for the Headquarters Historic District.
Comment Period:
Jun 2, 2022 - Jul 4, 2022
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