Polychrome Area Improvements Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)

The NPS prepared an Environmental Assessment in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration to examine alternative actions and environmental impacts. Two alternatives were analyzed in the EA: 1) the No Action Alternative; and 2) the Pretty Rocks Bridge and Polychrome Road Improvements alternative (the NPS preferred alternative). The NPS preferred alternative was selected after careful analysis of resource impacts, consultation with Native tribes, ANCSA Corporations and the State Historic Preservation Office, and review of stakeholder and public comments. A summary of the decision and responses to public comments can be found in the Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI), which was approved by the NPS Alaska Regional Director on March 10, 2022.
Document Content:
Polychrome_FONSI_signed_508.pdf   (563.4 KB, PDF file)
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