General Management Plan

Parks can develop management plans to meet broad park management goals or to address specific park issues, and these plans often articulate management objectives and describe future conditions. These plans are typically undertaken on a park-wide scale but can also focus on a distinct area of a park, such as a sub-unit (in a park with multiple units) or a district.

Plans are prepared by interdisciplinary teams including the park superintendent and staff, landscape architects, community planners, specialists in natural and cultural resources, environmental design specialists, concessions management specialists, interpretation experts, and professionals in other fields, as needed.

There are many different types of plans developed by the NPS, some of which include general management plans (GMPs), wild and scenic river plans, visitor use management plans, wilderness plans, commercial services plans, implementation plans, strategic facility investment plans, development concepts plans, among others.

Document Content:
VIIS - GMP-DCP - 1983.pdf   (3.2 MB, PDF file)
VIIS - GMP-DCP - FONSI - 1984.pdf   (4.6 MB, PDF file)
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