Bainbridge Island Japanese American Memorial Draft Study of Alternatives and Environmental Assessment April 2005

This Draft Study and Environmental Assessment was prepared in response to Public Law 107-363, the Bainbridge Island Japanese American Memorial Study Act of 2002. Information about the history of Japanese Americans on Bainbridge Island and the location of the proposed Memorial is provided. The document discusses the national significance of the site and the suitability and feasibility of designating the site as part of the National Park System. Three alternatives are outlined for the site's long-term management, including two alternatives with federal involvement.
Comment Period: Closed        May 1, 2005 - Jun 15, 2005
Document Content:
Environmental Assessment   (1.9 MB, PDF file)
Tableof Contents   (58.2 KB, PDF file)
Executive Summary   (1.2 MB, PDF file)
Background- History 1   (3.4 MB, PDF file)
Study Cover   (2.2 MB, PDF file)
Background- History 2   (4.4 MB, PDF file)
Alternatives A, B, and C   (4.0 MB, PDF file)
Management Criteria- Alternatives   (2.6 MB, PDF file)
Introduction Pages   (4.8 MB, PDF file)
Appendices   (1.8 MB, PDF file)
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