Draft Memorandum of Agreement

In order to comply with the National Historic Preservation Act, the NPS, New Jersey State Historic Preservation Office, Hamilton Partnership for Paterson, and DEVCO Great Falls, LLC, the project developer, have drafted a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA). This draft MOA spells out what NPS and its partners will do to compensate for the portions of the Steam Plant foundation that will be removed to make way for the new visitor center. Before we finalize the MOA, we want you to have an opportunity to read it and let us know if these measures are adequate. Comments will be collected through May 21.

If you want more information about the process, see the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's website at: https://www.achp.gov/index.php/protecting-historic-properties/section-106-process/introduction-section-106

Comment Period: Closed        Apr 20, 2021 - May 21, 2021
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