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Valles Caldera National Preserve Management Zoning Newsletter
The National Park Service is seeking public feedback on several draft management zoning approaches under consideration at Valles Caldera National Preserve. We encourage you to learn more about the zoning process underway by looking at the newsletter (link at the bottom of this page), and welcome your thoughts and ideas.
The newsletter includes a summary of draft zone concepts and associated desired conditions, as well as three draft mapping options for public consideration and comment.
Your input is important to us. Thank you for your interest and participation!
Comment Period:
Apr 9, 2021 - May 5, 2021
Topic Questions: |
1. 1. What do you value about Valles Caldera? |
2. 2. Do you have any ideas or feedback on our zone concepts or desired conditions? |
3. 3. Is there a mapping option you prefer? If so, what makes you prefer this option over others? |
4. 4. Are there elements of other options that you like or dislike? |
5. 5. Do you have other thoughts or ideas for how different parts of the park might be experienced and/or preserved? |
Document Content: |
VALL Zoning Newsletter 2021April09_508.pdf
(2.8 MB, PDF file)
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