Draft EE/CA Report and Community Involvement Plan - Cascades Creosote Dip Tank

Draft Final EE/CA Report:

The Draft Final EE/CA Report details the findings of site investigations and presents alternatives for site remediation activities. Due to the extensive and highly technical nature of the report, the park has posted the Executive Summary here for online review; this abbreviated document outlines the findings of site investigations and summarizes alternatives. The full document is available for review upon request (see Appendix B of the CIP for review appointment procedures).

Community Involvement Plan:

The National Park Service issued this Community Involvement Plan (CIP) as a resource to enable meaningful community involvement throughout its investigation, selection, and implementation of cleanup activities at the Cascades Creosote Dip Tank Site.
Comment Period: Closed        Jul 27, 2020 - Aug 28, 2020
Document Content:
FinalCascadeCIP06192020_Rev2.pdf   (1.6 MB, PDF file)
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