Right-of-Way Permit for the City of Asheville to Access Blue Ridge Parkway Bridge

The City of Asheville, North Carolina, has requested that the National Park Service (NPS), Blue Ridge Parkway (BLRI), issue a 10-year right-of-way (ROW) permit to the city. The purpose of this permit would be to allow city access to a city-owned beneficial (inert) fill site located approximately 0.15 mile west of Parkway Milepost (MP) 383 (at the Parkway bridge over the Swannanoa River).
Comment Period: Closed        Mar 1, 2004 - Apr 2, 2004
Document Content:
Appendix A   (380.0 KB, PDF file)
Appendix C   (924.5 KB, PDF file)
Appendix B   (511.6 KB, PDF file)
Appendix D & E   (154.5 KB, PDF file)
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