Backcountry Access Plan

Big Cypress National Preserve » Backcountry Access Plan » Document List

The National Park Service (NPS) is pleased to announce that following a 30-day no action period, the Record of Decision (ROD) has been signed by the NPS Southeast regional director for the Final Backcountry Access Plan / Wilderness Study and associated Final Environmental Impact Statement for Big Cypress National Preserve. The ROD marks the completion of the EIS process and identifies the decision/selected action, including mitigation measures; describes other alternatives analyzed; identifies the environmentally preferable alternative; and includes rationale for the decision reached.

Comments received during the 30-day no action period are addressed in the ROD.

We at the National Park Service value your interest in the Big Cypress National Preserve and look forward to implementing this plan with your continued engagement.

To download the ROD and the Final Plan/EIS, click the 'Documents List' on the left side of this webpage.

Contact Information

Scott Pardue, 304 535-6026