Wupatki National Monument Wilderness Study

Wupatki National Monument » Wupatki National Monument Wilderness Study » Document List

The National Park Service (NPS) developing a wilderness study at Wupatki National Monument (Wupatki). This study, which builds off the 2022 wilderness eligibility determination, will support the ongoing preservation of wilderness characteristics at Wupatki National Monument and complement the recently completed backcountry management plan.

The result of this study will develop an official proposal and recommendation for wilderness designation to the NPS director, the Department of the Interior, the president, and Congress.

Please refer to the documents and newsletters for more complete information and progress on this study, and information on how you can be involved. The documents may be accessed using the "Document List" link at the left side of this page.

Contact Information

Wupatki National Monument
6400 North Highway 89
Flagstaff, Arizona 86004
(928) 526-1157