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Plan Process
Rock Creek Park » Nature Center Complex Development Concept Plan/Environmental Assessment
For this proposal, an environmental assessment (EA) is the NEPA document being prepared to assist in planning and decision-making and to determine if an action has the potential for significant impact. The EA will address the project background, the purpose and need for the Development Concept Plan, the no action alternative, and action alternatives developed through this public scoping process. The EA will also document the environmental issues and potential impacts of implementing those actions outlined in each of the action alternatives.
* indicates the current step in the planning process
Step 1. Initiate NEPA Scoping
Step 2. Public Scoping Meeting
Step 3. Document Affected Environment, Determine Environmental Consequences, and Develop Mitigation Measures
Step 4. Prepare EA for Public Review
Step 5. Public Review and Comments on EA *
Step 6. NEPA Decision Document