Project Links
* indicates the current step in the planning process
Step 1. Define purpose and need for the plan
Step 2. Conduct public scoping
Step 3. Develop preliminary alternatives
Step 4. Prepare draft plan/environmental document
Step 5. Public review of draft alternatives newsletter
Step 6. Finalize alternatives and conduct preliminary impact analysis
Step 7. Identify the NPS preferred alternative
Step 8. Prepare draft plan/EIS
Step 9. Public review of draft plan/EIS
Step 10. Public comment analysis and response on draft plan/EIS
Step 11. Release draft plan/EIS to the public
Step 12. Prepare Final plan/EIS
Step 13. Publish Notice of Availability in Federal Register
Step 14. Release Final Plan/EIS to public
Step 15. Request Regional Director's Signature on Record of Decision
Step 16. Publish Notice of Availability in Federal Register
Step 17. Project Close Out *