Project Links
* indicates the current step in the planning process
Step 1. In order to ensure the NEPA compliance process includes public input from the beginning, a 30-day public scoping period is established to provide the public with the opportunity to make suggestions for and express concerns about the proposed project. *
Step 2. After receiving public input, the descriptions of proposed projects will be refined and a draft Environmental Assessment will be prepared with analysis of the potential impacts of the proposed projects.
Step 3. Once the draft EA has been completed, it will be released to the public for public review and comment. The public review period will be open for 30 days.
Step 4. Upon closure of the public review period, NPS will review all comments received and incorporate the appropriate responses into a final Environmental Assessment (draft EA plus errata) and a decision record. If the EA determines that the proposed projects pose potentially significant impacts, the decision record will contain a recommendation to either elevate the level of environmental compliance to the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement or to select the No Action alternative described in the EA. If no signficant impacts are identified as a result of the proposed action, then a Finding of No Significant Impacts (FONSI) will be released with the Final EA.
To submit your comments here, online, click on either "Document List" or "Open For Public Comment" in the column on the left, click on "Comment on Document" in the upper right-hand corner, fill in form and click "Submit" at the bottom of the form.
Completion of the NEPA process with a signed FONSI will allow the NPS to move forward with implementing the facility improvements described in the EA.