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Plan Process
Yosemite National Park » Half Dome Trail Stewardship Plan
* indicates the current step in the planning process
Step 1. Implement Pilot Permitting Program (winter 2010)
Step 2. Conduct Public Scoping (June 2010)
Step 3. Devise Alternative Stewardship Options, with public involvement (fall 2010)
Step 4. Identify Environmental Impacts and Select Preferred Alternative (Fall 2010)
Step 5. Prepare Draft Stewardship Plan/Environmental Assessment (Winter-Spring 2011)
Step 6. Release Environmental Assessment for Public Review (Winter 2012)
Step 7. Review Public Comment from Environmental Assessment (Spring 2012)
Step 8. Release Final Plan/Decision Document to the Public (early 2013) *
This plan will protect the iconic Wilderness destination for generations. We in Yosemite thank you for your interest and involvement in this exciting process.