Everglades National Park is pleased to announce the release of the Draft Flamingo Commercial Services Plan / Environmental Assessment (Draft Plan). The Draft Plan analyzes 3 alternatives for re-establishing commercial services and facilities at Flamingo destroyed by hurricanes in 2005. Comments are due by January 25, 2008.

* indicates the current step in the planning process
Step 1. Public involvement (scoping) through 11/17/2006
Step 2. Alternatives development and impact analysis 12/06 - 2/07
Step 3. Draft Plan/EA preparation 2/07 - 6/07
Step 4. Public review and comment 11/07 - 1/08
Step 5. Public comment analysis 2/08 - 4/08
Step 6. Decision document Final Plan/EA Spring 2008 *

The NPS will use the comments received to choose the preferred alternative for the Final Flamingo Commercial Services Plan/Environmental Assessment (CSP/EA).