1. The comment period ended February 25, 2006, with more than 45,000 comments.
2. Comments were read and organized by NPS staff in the Office of Policy and the Environmental Quality Division.
3. The results were then considered by an NPS review team the week of April 10. The team prepared extensive edits to the draft.
4. The revised text was subsequently evaluated by a number of park managers and subject matter experts who suggested further refinements.
5. A committee representing the National Park System Advisory Board met May 23 and May 24 to discuss the revised draft. The full Board discussed and endorsed the committee's recommendations at its June 9, 2006, meeting. The Board's recommendations were considered and incorporated as appropriate.
6. An internal review is now underway, with a closing date of July 7, 2006. (The draft is available for public inspection, but there is no formal public comment process in place at this stage.) At the close of the comment period a review committee will make any further edits. A final draft will then be reviewed by the National Leadership Council before being presented to the Director for approval.
7. After the final document is approved, a summary of the comments received during the entire review process will be prepared, together with an explanation of how the NPS responded to those comments. The summary and the final Management Policies 2006 edition will be posted on the NPS policy web site at www.nps.gov/policy (where other NPS policy-related documents are found).
8. The final edition will also be accessible through the www.nps.gov home page. Its availability will be announced via a Federal Register notice and broadly distributed press releases. The NPS will then seek and welcome opportunities to explain the new Management Policies and discuss their practical implications for managing the national park system.