PEPC and Parkplanning will have an outage from 5 PM to 10 PM MT on July 19th due to network maintenance. Please plan and save your work accordingly.

National Park Service and State Parks, in cooperation with SMMC/MRCA intend to prepare a joint environmental impact statement/environmental impact report (EIS/EIR) for an interagency trail management plan (TMP) for Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area (SMMNRA).

Public scoping for a trail plan began with the Santa Monica Mountains Area Recreational Trails (SMMART) project that culminated in the 1997 SMMART Report (click on "Links" for more information). Comments on recreational issues were also received during preparation of the SMMNRA General Management Plan (GMP).

After the SMMART process and the SMMNRA GMP scoping, the TMP Planning Team convened in 1998. The team reviewed trail management issues and developed a detailed inventory of trails, trailheads, and camp locations throughout SMMNRA. A Recreational Visitor Survey was carried out in 2002 (click on "Links" for more information). Trail physical conditions were recorded using the Universal Trail Assessment Process (Beneficial Designs, Inc.). In early 2003, NPS and State Parks issued a Notice of Intent and Notice of Preparation of a joint EIS/EIR. Conceptual trail map alternatives were compiled for public scoping held in September, 2005. The conceptual alternatives were not ready for analysis in a draft EIS/EIR, but rather were presented to illustrate differing trail network development directions and management emphasis. The public offered many comments on the alternatives, trail use, and on specific trails (click on "Links" for more information).

Lack of funding halted preparation of the TMP EIS/EIR after the 2005 public scoping. Funding has now been secured, and NPS and the state parkland partners are moving forward again with the TMP EIS/EIR. Two public meetings to restart the planning effort and to wrap-up public scoping have been scheduled. Please click on "Meeting Notices" for meeting information.

* indicates the current step in the planning process
Step 1. Initiate Project
Step 2. Develop Recreational Trail Network Inventory
Step 3. Develop Draft Conceptual Trail Policy Map Alternatives for Trail Management Plan (TMP) EIS/EIR
Step 4. Host Public Scoping of Draft Conceptual Trail Policy Map Alternatives for TMP EIS/EIR
Step 5. Restart TMP EIS/EIR Preparation and Host Public Scoping Wrap-up Meetings *
Step 6. Draft TMP EIS/EIR
Step 7. Host Public Review of draft Trail Management Plan EIS/EIR
Step 8. Review and Address Public Comment on draft TMP EIS/EIR
Step 9. Publish Final TMP EIS/EIR
Step 10. Compile Final Trail Management Plan and Begin Implementation