Project Links
Plan Process
Acadia National Park » Develop Interagency Transportation Hub/Welcome Center/Bus Maintenance Facility
In accordance with NEPA, the NPS has concurred with the Environmental Assessment, and has issued a Finding of No Significant Impact for the project.
* indicates the current step in the planning process
Step 1. Define purpose and need
Step 2. Begin resource inventory and analysis
Step 3. Conduct external scoping to introduce project and identify issues
Step 4. Develop alternatives for conceptual site design
Step 5. Conduct public meeting to introduce and refine alternatives
Step 6. Identify environmental impacts and select preferred alternative
Step 7. Prepare draft Environmental Assessment
Step 8. Internal Agency review of draft Environmental Assessment
Step 9. Release Environmental Assessment for 30-day public review
Step 10. Analyze public comments
Step 11. Prepare decision document
Step 12. Decision by Federal Transit Administration
Step 13. Decision by National Park Service *
Questions about the project should be sent to:
Tracy Perez, Project Manager
Maine Dept. of Transportation
16 State House Station
Augusta, Maine 04333