PEPC and Parkplanning will have an outage from 5 PM to 10 PM MT on July 19th due to network maintenance. Please plan and save your work accordingly.

The Monocacy Battlefield National Historic Landmark (NHL) nomination update and boundary adjustment will follow the standard NHL review process governed by federal regulations. The steps involve the preparation of a study, review by a committee of experts, recommendation and review by the National Park System Advisory Board, and finally designation by the Secretary of the Interior.

* indicates the current step in the planning process
Step 1. Study preparation
Step 2. NHL Committee Review (scheduled for May 14-15, 2024) See links. *
Step 3. National Park System Advisory Board Review (date TBD)
Step 4. Secretary of the Interior's decision

This project site is provided to facilitate public understanding of the project. A public comment period will open once the Federal Register notification is posted for the National Historic Landmarks Committee review meeting.