The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), along with internal NPS and EFLHD guidance on NEPA, has created a structured process which this project must follow. During the data collection phase, the project team collected and compiled data on existing conditions. This information has allowed the team to move to the agency/public scoping phase. During this period, the project team held a series of public information sessions to share information on the study areas and solicit input on resource concerns and alternative development. This information allowed the project team to enter into the alternatives development phase of the project. During this process, the project team used the collected data and public comments to develop realistic alternatives. A series of alternatives were developed for each site. The study team then undertook a rigorous screening process to eliminate those alternatives that did not properly meet the purpose and need of the project, select those alternatives that would advance through analysis, as well as selecting the NPS Preferred Alternative for each site. Once the alternatives were developed, an impact analysis was preformed to determine the beneficial and adverse affects of the proposed alternatives. This information was incorporated into the Jamaica Bay Transportation Studies Development Concept Plan/Environmental Assessment/Assessment of Effect (DCP/EA/AOE) which was released for public review and comment in May 2006. The public review includes meetings with elected officials, agency representatives, and interested citizens. Scoping comments can be submitted to the project team during public meetings or at any other time
* indicates the current step in the planning process
Step 1. data collection phase
Step 2. agency/public scoping phase
Step 3. alternatives development phase
Step 4. impact analysis
Step 5. public review and comment *
Step 6. analysis of public comment
Step 7. prepare final plan/decision document
Step 8. release final plan/decision document to the public