PEPC and Parkplanning will have an outage from 5 PM to 10 PM MT on July 19th due to network maintenance. Please plan and save your work accordingly.

Planning Process

The formal planning process began in the spring of 2002. The NPS organized an interdisciplinary planning team of NPS professionals and subject matter experts to guide the development of this GMP/EIS throughout the three-year planning process.

An extensive level of public involvement was deemed necessary for the success of this planning project, given the nature and sensitivity of the national monument's history, the speed in which the national monument was established, as well as the national monument's remote location. Public involvement methods included Federal Register notices, news releases, public meetings and workshops, presentations and meetings with interested publics, newsletter mailings, and website postings.

Preceding the formal planning process, NPS staff conducted informational meetings about the national monument with Japanese American organizations, community organizations, various governmental entities, potential stakeholder groups, and individuals in 2002. Approximately 50 meetings were held in Idaho, Washington, Oregon, and Alaska, and approximately 2,000 people were contacted.

The NPS invited the public to provide comments during two formal public planning stages. The first stage, called Scoping, was intended to identify and define issues, concerns, and suggestions to be addressed during the planning process. Nine public workshops were held in Idaho, Washington and Oregon in November 2002. The second stage, called Draft Alternatives, presented the public with preliminary draft alternatives and invited comments on these alternatives. Eleven public workshops were held in Idaho, Washington, and Oregon in July and August 2003.

* indicates the current step in the planning process
Step 1. Gather Data/Establish Future or Goals-Winter 2002
Step 2. Suggest Draft Alternatives-Summer 2003
Step 3. Develop Draft GMP/EIS-Summer 2005
Step 4. Revise Draft and Publish Abbreviated Final and Presentation Plan-Summer 2006
Step 5. Implementation-Ongoing *

The public's comments and recommendations are the foundation of this Draft GMP/EIS, represented in the national monument's purpose, significance, interpretive themes, alternatives, and preferred alternative.