Producing a GMP/EIS involves many steps and will take about two years to complete. The management plan process for Little River Canyon National Preserve is just beginning. The preserve staff and technical specialists from NPS offices in Atlanta, Georgia, form the planning team for the general management plan.

The planning team will be working with the public, government agencies, and other stakeholders throughout this process. The following is a list of the general steps of the GMP process.

* indicates the current step in the planning process
Step 1. Project Startup
Step 2. Indentify the Planning Context (including public scoping)
Step 3. Develop Alternatives
Step 4. Publish Alternatives Newsletter and Hold Public Meetings
Step 5. Refine Alternatives *
Step 6. Prepare the Draft GMP/EIS
Step 7. Publish the Draft GMP/EIS (includes public meetings)
Step 8. Revise and Publish Final GMP/EIS
Step 9. Publish Record of Decision
Step 10. Implement the Plan

The public's comments and ideas are an important part of developing the GMP. They will be represented in the preserve's purpose, significance, interpretive themes, alternatives, and the draft and final plans.