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Plan Process
Craters Of The Moon National Monument & Preserve » CRMO MP/EIS
At the beginning of the planning process it is important to reaffirm the area's purpose and significance. We do this to establish a framework within which we can evaluate all of our proposed actions and management decisions to ensure that they are consistent with the original reasons for creating a National Monument.
NPS and BLM managers have talked with the public as well as state and local governments. Managers and resource experts together developed these draft purpose, significance, and goal statements.
The purposes of Craters of the Moon National Monument are to:
• Safeguard the volcanic features and geologic processes of the Great Rift.
• Provide scientific, educational, and interpretive opportunities for the public to foster an understanding and appreciation of the volcanic geology and associated natural and cultural phenomena.
• Maintain the wilderness character of the Craters of the Moon Wilderness and of Wilderness Study Areas.
• Perpetuate scenic vistas and open western landscapes for future generations.
• Protect kipukas (older vegetated terrain surrounded by lava flows) and other remnant vegetation areas and preserve important habitat for sage grouse.
• Continue the historic and traditional human relationships that have existed on this land for generations.
* indicates the current step in the planning process
Step 1. 30-day no-action/protest period *