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Plan Process
Rocky Mountain National Park » Day Use Visitor Access Plan and Environmental Assessment
* indicates the current step in the planning process
Step 1. Civic engagement (initial public comment opportunity) - May 2021
Step 2. Review of public comments - Summer 2021
Step 3. Civic engagement (public comment) summary released- January 2022
Step 4. Incorporate public comments, refine draft strategies, and develop management concepts - Autumn 2022
Step 5. Civic engagement on ideas for draft strategies - December 12, 2022 - February 1, 2023
Step 6. Prepare public comment summary and develop alternatives - January through March 2023
Step 7. Develop draft plan and associated compliance - Summer 2023
Step 8. Public review and comment on draft plan and NEPA document - Autumn 2023
Step 9. Decision and finalize plan - Early 2024 *
The National Park Service has finalized a Day Use Visitor Access Plan for Rocky Mountain National Park to manage day use visitor access in a way that protects the park's resources, maintains positive visitor experiences, promotes safety, and supports the park's ability to maintain daily operations.
The Environmental Assessment for the Day Use Visitor Access Plan and Environmental Assessment has resulted in a Finding of No Significant Impact.