Public Meeting and Open House
Date Start Time End Time Time Zone Location
Jul 18, 2019 5:30 PM 7:00 PM Navarre Beach Marine Science Station
8638 Heron Court
Navarre, Florida 32566

The Florida Trustee Implementation Group invites you to attend this open house and public meeting. The Open House will start at 5:30 PM. Staff will be on hand to discuss the draft plan and answer your questions. After the Open House, a member of the TIG will make a presentation of the draft plan. An opportunity for public comment will follow the presentation.

The Draft Phase V.3 Restoration Plan and Supplemental Environmental Assessment supplements the first and second phases of the Florida Coastal Access Project. The first phase of the project, described in the Phase V Early Restoration Plan, included acquisition and/or enhancement of four coastal parcels, and the second phase, described in the Phase V.2 Restoration Plan, included acquisition and enhancement of recreational amenities at one coastal parcel in the Florida Panhandle. The Florida Coastal Access Project addresses a portion of the lost recreational use in Florida caused by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

Meeting Directions/Instructions: