Upcoming Outage: PEPC and Parkplanning will be offline on Weds., Sept. 11th, starting at 7 AM MT for routine maintenance. The expected downtime for Parkplanning is fifteen minutes, while PEPC will remain offline for up to two hours. Please plan and save your work accordingly.
Kalaupapa Electrical Distribution Rehabilitation and Upgrade Project -October 2022
Date Start Time End Time Time Zone Location
Oct 24, 2022 1:00 PM 3:00 PM HST Virtual

Kalaupapa, Hawaii

Kalaupapa National Historical Park is seeking additional input on the final design of the Kalaupapa Electrical Distribution Rehabilitation and Upgrade Project. The meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 24, 2022 from 1 pm to 3 pm HST. This virtual meeting is open to the public. We will provide a brief project history and timeline, outline the known potential impacts, and provide an opportunity for comments and questions. Additional information about this project is available at our public website: https://www.nps.gov/kala/getinvolved/planning.htm.

If you require special accommodations for the public meeting, please contact Ka`ohulani McGuire at kaohulani_mcguire@nps.gov. We appreciate your participation in this proposed project.

Kalawao County relies completely on electricity produced by HECO at the Pala'au power plant. It is transmitted by high voltage lines down the cliff and into Kalaupapa Settlement. The entire network of poles, lines, insulators, transformers, etc. is known as the electrical distribution system. Kalaupapa National Historical Park (KNHP) manages this system and has initiated a rehabilitation project to bring the system up to current utility service code, improve reliability, reduce deferred maintenance, and minimize potential safety hazards to the Kalaupapa Community. Current service area extends from the main settlement to the airport. The electrical distribution system is hindered by deteriorated transformers, worn and frayed transmission lines, and pole and insulator failures that cause frequent power outages. Included in this project is the installation of new electrical service to the water pumphouse. The water system's pumps are currently powered by two diesel driven engine generators. The new electrical service will reduce the need for fuel storage, preclude potential fuel spills, eliminate onsite generator usage, reduce air pollution, and ensure safe and continuous clean water delivery to the community.

The National Park Service strives to avoid or minimize impacts to all resources. In December 2020, NPS held a public scoping meeting and sent out a newsletter relating to the Environmental Assessment (EA). In the months that followed, consulting parties provided valuable input that the project team used to evaluate the impacts of the project in preparation of an Environmental Assessment (EA). In conjunction with the EA we have determined that effects on cultural resources need to be more thoroughly considered and addressed before continuing with both the EA and 106 process.

Meeting Directions/Instructions:
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device on Microsoft Teams:


Meeting ID: 238 270 531 996
Passcode: a7nXLf

Or call in (audio only)
+1 202-640-1187
Phone Conference ID: 479 851 650#

URL/Webinar link: