Public Meeting on Battlefield Restoration
Date Start Time End Time Time Zone Location
Feb 22, 2017 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 106 Metlakatla Street

Sitka, Alaska 99835

Sitka National Historical Park invites the public to attend two meetings and a "Walk-and-Talk" in February to comment on park plans to restore the view to the sea from the Tlingit fort site of Shis'kí Noow. The project goal is to restore the landscape to an appearance more closely representative of what it looked like in 1804, and provide visitors a more accurate and better physical representation of the 1804 battlefield.

The two public meetings will begin with a presentation by the Chief of Resources, Brinnen Carter, at 5:00 pm, on both Wednesday, February 15th and Wednesday February 22nd at the Sitka National Historical Park Visitor Center. The "Walk-and-Talk" will be held at noon on February 15th, starting at the Visitor Center, and will last approximately one hour.

At all three events, Dr. Carter will present the scope of the project, answer questions, and gather public opinion. Work is scheduled to take place this summer.

Please join park staff to learn about and discuss planning. You are welcome anytime during the hours identified below.

Meeting Directions/Instructions:
Meeting is at the Sitka NHP main Visitor Center.

URL/Webinar link: