Highway 62 Park Mitigation Environmental Analysis Open House At Pea Ridge NMP
Date Start Time End Time Time Zone Location
Dec 19, 2014 6:00 PM 7:30 PM Pea Ridge NMP Visitor Center
15930 E. Hwy 62
Garfield, Arkansas
479.451.8122 X 239

Please join park staff to learn about and discuss the proposed new access and improved circulation in the park because of the removal of Highway 62.

Open House for the public to discuss the Highway 62 Mitigations project and Environmental Assessment for Pea Ridge National Military Park that is currently available for public review.

The purpose of this mitigation project is to identify a safe and convenient access road and parking for our visitors at key features within the park, while at the same time protecting and preserving the cultural and natural resources. As a result of the relocation of Highway 62, a new access and improved circulation to the park is being proposed that will provide visitors additional opportunities to learn about the Civil War battle that occurred here.

Meeting Directions/Instructions: